There are many different fireplaces to choose from so which is the right one for you? The most popular styles are gas fireplaces including direct vent, ventless and b-vent.
Direct vent fireplaces are very common because they are safe and they are versatile. You can add a direct vent to an existing chimney or one that does not have a chimney. These have a ventilation system through the outer wall of the home.
These fireplaces are sealed with a glass case. They come in many different options including linear, traditional, single-sided, multi-sided, see-through, and corner. These are some of the safest fireplaces on the market and you can even mount a TV above them.
The ventless gas fireplace is also known as a vent-free fireplace. This type of fireplace requires no ventilation. This is a very environmentally friendly choice because very little CO gas is released.
The design is both high efficiency and flexible but the only downside is they do not look real.
These can also come in linear, traditional, single-sided, multi-sided, see-through and corner. Another downside is that these are only safe to be used for one hour at a time.
B-vent fireplaces are also known as natural vent fireplaces. This option looks most like a wood-burning fireplace. They say this is the best option between the other two. There are not as many styles but they can be customized more than most. These fireplaces do need to have ventilation.
These gas fireplaces are perfect options for your home. These are easy to light with a flick of a switch and can be controlled by a wall switch or remote.